Thursday, May 14, 2009

Nightmare Napping: Zzzzzzzz-ombies

Haven't been in the greatest of moods lately. More specifically, I've been fine/good with work, but then my personal affairs have been ...less than up to par. The latest being how one "friend" had given me the lamest excuse in human history, which I'm sure said more than she intended. Either that or she left out addictional details to explain how her excuse wasn't really saying to me "I know I volunteered to help you, but I really don't want to, so I'm just going to give you any excuse and hope you go for it." That just turned up painful and upset that she can't respect me enough to come out straight to me.

The other thing has been an anxiety stemming from being unable to see or much hear from someone that I do care much for. There was apologies and I understand part of it on timing, but then the parts I don't get leave room for question. Plus, I get to hear that there's no hope of things improving until around the end of the month or so. It sounds like things will be much better after the craziness, but I have to be able to hold on 'til then. I donno... we'll see.

Had a long nap from late afternoon to the evening, 4 to 4.5 hours. Upon waking, I hear neighbor's music, look at the time, & then remember I was napping, not my nightly sleeping. I figure I'll be up a while because of it. I also don't feel like sleeping after a nightmare I was having...

The nightmare I had involved zombies... Always hate those creepy unnatural things. I also remember that the whole thing was in places unfamiliar to me, not home, work, places from the past etc. Anyhow, I remember that in part of it, I was a young girl holding a cat (or possibly a bunny) that I thought most precious. I was walking with mom through a hallway of some lab/hospital of sorts. I don't remember why it was we were there, but I didn't like it there and I could see some of thier experimenting in the rooms through windows (was zombies). We get to a small reception area where she has to sign on a sheet as a waiver. There are several signatures and she signs a fake name/signature.

I think the rest of the dream I was as I am now (age/whatever). Somebody in the dream had a vision about becoming one of those undead and said she would have to sacrafice herself so that her (evil) double would parish (meaning to save others). Parts of the dream were pleasent, such as some cute guy asking "where have you been all my life?" I remember he was in more than one scene & then later curious if he was around. Myself and friends were at some location doing something in order to bring down that big evil organization. (Reminds me now of the Umbrella Corporation of Resident Evil.) I was uneasy the whole time, just as I was in that lab place. There was a part with one of my associates negociating with a representative of the corporation. Sounding quite intimidating, my ally got on her cellphone during the conversation and told a third party to let them loose along with something about "if they get hungry, run". I was leaving the place and found that she was refering only to protestors. At this there was vans of zombies released upon them for screaming, running, and an ugly feeding frenzy. Although seemingly the typical braindead sort, they had enough brainpower to at least make comments. During the running around and fighting off undead gluttons is when I awoke.

I can't say I know the meaning of this one at present. All I can figure is to avoid other people for now (or groups of them). However, I don't really think that's what my unconcious is trying to tell me.

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