Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Guitar Calms the Chaotic Spirit

*Originally typed 5/1/09 1:30pm-ish ...technical difficulties. It’s what drove me here.

I had a dream a couple nights ago...
I'm at the new place and there's a poltergiest. One of the main things I remember it doing is rearranging the furniture in my room. (Not fung shui "oh this looks nicer", just randomly) I forget what other things, terrible things, it was doing, but I had asked "What do you want?" At that, the ghost started to take form as some smoke/fog thing in front of me and floated over into an open guitar case lying on the floor with an old acoustic in it. It was out of tune and I told the ghost I would have to tune it first. I then noticed the strings were all pulled loose (needed more than a "little tuning"). Anyhow, there was a sense of peace & the disturbances with the spirit had stopped.

I may have left out some stuff, but that's the overall basics of the dream. I think I know the overall interpretation of this one. It seems pretty straight forward.

I've had some anxiety this past week with feeling icky from being sick, missing out on social stuff, and various little things concerning an important friend of mine. Last night I even experienced one of those annoying headaches I have gotten occasionally...
I'm in a terrible upset mood, later feeling emotionally numb, followed by a steady pain starting from the base of my skull & travelling to pretty much the whole left side of my head. I looked up headaches. Although one-sided, it sounds like the tension-type.

I would have to say that my head is trying to tell me to go play guitar. It is a hobby and between being lazy in my practicing and dealing with the move, I have neglected my practice. I have no aspirations at being a rock star, but it can be a good form of meditation for me. ...and lately, I obviously need it.

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