Monday, May 21, 2012

The Sad Alien Dream

I had a bit of an odd dream last night. Technically, in the morning, because it made me sad when I woke up. I don't remember names or faces in the dream, so I don't suppose the meaning of it actually has to do with the people around me in life.

Anyhow, in this dream there are aliens and they take over society, because of their superiority in technology & physicality. There was chaos and people were taken as test subjects, separated from their lives and the people they once knew. Perhaps some in a catatonic stasis. I remember something about mixing genetics between the humans for breeding or experimenting. Later I remember being relatively free to roam around. They still ruled, but the humans were more like servants or rats, rather than being stuck in some cell or capsule. A lot of time must have passed, I'm not sure how much or if I was awake for all of it. Anyhow, I was in search of my love that I had become separated from when the aliens came. I found a friend during this time & talked (I don't remember more on that). We parted and eventually, I found my love. Unfortunately, this was not a happy time, because he had moved on after we got lost. He had a wife & kids, 3 I believe, blond. (There are some gaps in memory...) I think it was sometime after this that I did some sneaky tactics against the aliens, during their sleep. I think I had allies with me, but I can't remember more details there.

The strangest part of this dream for me was the whole aliens part. I don't know if I've EVER dreamed about aliens before. The thing I'm thinking now is that maybe this has to do with that Polybius game. Heck, I didn't even believe everything about that crazy shit about the legend behind it. I may consciously see that crap flashing on the screen, but things go so fast I can't make most of it out. It's not just words either... Maybe it did get into my subconscious. Anyhow, that wasn't my first thought about the dream. My first thoughts were along the lines of "boohoo" & "stop thinking about it, it was just a dream".

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