Monday, December 28, 2015

Crazy Trains and Stabby Dr. Suess

*Disclaimer: Dream does not actually contain Dr. Suess

Dream morning 12/28 I'm on what would best be described as either a train car or a vehicle stuck together with other identical vehicles in the shape of a train. It seems to change in size at different parts of the dream. I forget why I'm on there at first, but there are a bunch moving side by side and there's someone with me that I know (forget if mom or Lee upon awakening). Anyhow, that person jumps onto another train car to the left and I was going to follow, but things happened so fast, that I miss that and even nearly have my hand scraped or worse while holding the ladder rail. The train-things all veer off in different directions. At times the train-car is a bit too easy to tip, like it's just floating as it moves, so I have to keep it steady. Eventually, it comes to a turn and the two people in the cars ahead of me purposely knock their sections over to the right and get off and up stairs as quickly as they can. Mine goes towards the left and into what appears to be an abandoned cave-ride with obstructions, so I tip mine over too and jump out before it collides into something. Unsure of where I am or what's going on, I go up to the stairs the two people from the front cars had. However, very quickly there was other people coming out of nowhere (women, children, 3 old miners that came out of a door by the cave that I thought was fake or abandoned, and whoever else). I didn't know if they came from the commotion of the crash, but it became apparent they weren't just normal onlookers. What's more odd than them coming out of nowhere, was how they were all staring at me for some reason. As I climbed up the stairs, there was more people, just staring and a couple children latched on briefly. The second child was a mere toddler trying to grab me. I went on and then up a ladder. Before I reached another platform, some guy came from unknown place as the others had was suddenly behind me. (Yes, still on the ladder and so was he, cuz taller than me). In a deep voice with a British accent he said a rhyme and paused for half a second as he stabbed me in the left side of my torso (rib-cage area) with a thin dagger.

"I didn't know
When it first did begin
But please wait a moment (stab)
While your veins do rebend"

After the stab and last line, I woke up with the strong urge to pee.

It didn't just seem like, "oh, it's a dream so it's weird" at least not the last bit, after the crash. I got a sense of strange going-on's like some weird shit at the beginning of a sci-fi show/movie, before you know the back-story to understand wtf happened. You know the sort, some poor schmuck gets taken in by unknown entity and doesn't understand what happened or why. Did I disrupt something or have the misfortune to enter into a bad place? Did a similar fate happen upon everyone that was there? Perhaps the guys in the cars ahead of me knew something and hence their trying to avoid that cave area and frantic rush to get out of there. Those people staring as if expecting something... Then what happened after? Weird supernatural stuff? Death? But unlike Doctor Who or some other show, you can't just wait for the next episode or look it up online. The only explanation is within the subconscious of the head that dreamed it and it may not be as literal as a story.

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