Monday, May 19, 2014

Ladybugs and Ramblings

Alright so sharing a couple dreams. Let's see...

So couple nights ago (mornings ago, whateve), I remember a dream about swarming ladybugs. I don't remember hardly anything, but I remember a part where there were lots & lots of ladybugs flying around someone for some reason. I don't even remember if they were friendly or pissed. I do remember some were green, while the others were red.

Then I had a dream yesterday morning. I remembered it when I woke up. I remember I was going to type up what I could remember, because for the last... hmm, couple years(?) that is a rarity for me to remember any dreams & typically just remembering that I had a dream is like "wow" (for lack of words). This is most likely due to my sleeping less hours than previously, which sends me right into deep sleep. Anyone who sleeps for like 12 hours at a time just astonishes me. My system has just adjusted itself, so if I can sleep 8 hours before I wake up, I am quite pleased and well rested. I need to work on that, cuz it's probably one of the reasons why I have trouble with my head. "What's wrong with your neck?" Nothing, I stretch my neck to relieve/avoid headache. Also, you know... computer sitting. What was I saying? ...Right, that dream. Nope, sorry. I can't remember it.

Yes, this is pretty much a filler post. I wanted to at least jot down the ladybug dream & slowly bury... well, that other old ass post. Yeah, they're all old ass posts, I know this. I should go do that sleep thing now. It's late and I'm looking forward to tomorrow. No big events, just my sweetie.

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