Tuesday, April 18, 2017

Rear End

So, this dream was a couple nights ago, or whenever it was. It was recent and I still remember it. Could have been this morning, but early mornings are tiring and seem like longer ago.

I'm in a car with mom. She's driving. There's a truck on the left with a hispanic lady and guy, possibly siblings. The guy is driving, the girl is acting as if to challenge for a fight. We've no intention of stopping for scrapping. We keep driving, then speed up. We're ahead for a while, until they drive in front of us and the girl goes into whatever they are pulling along behind the truck. Right in front for the car, sorta mooning us, except with clothes on. Then the truck stops, causing us to rear-end them. A fender-bender.

At best I can think of is that the lady kinda reminds me of an old friend, but not really. Thinking about it now, my dream may have done a pun with the rear end. I can't think of any meaning to the dream though. I'll probably forget about it before figuring it out.